Schedule a Tour

Tour Request Form

To schedule a tour, please contact the Cedar Park Montessori School administration at (512) 259-8495 or , or complete our Online Tour Request Form below. Our admissions staff will contact you at the earliest to confirm a tour date.

Parent Name:
MM slash DD slash YYYY

Please note: Phone numbers and email addresses are never used for soliciting, spam or advertising purposes, nor are they shared or distributed to any other businesses. They are only for planning purposes during the prospective pre-enrollment phase.

Child #1 Name:
Please enter a number less than or equal to 20.
Child #1 Date of Birth:
Child #2 Name:
Please enter a number less than or equal to 20.
Child #2 Date of Birth:
MM slash DD slash YYYY
Desired Schedule (Mon-Fri)
How did you hear about Cedar Park Montessori?

This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.